Twenty Most Recommended Books
This page is as a resource to those conversations I occasionally have with anyone makes the mistake of expressing interest in some oddball book I'm carrying. By the end of the conversation I am likely to recommend one or more of these books -- which is why I sent you this link.
Historical Fiction
Napoleonic Era
Brigadier Gerard
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Hilarious stories of a buffoon French Hussar officer during Napoleonic wars. Very light-hearted read.
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Hilarious stories of a buffoon French Hussar officer during Napoleonic wars. Very light-hearted read.
Master and Commander
by Patrick O'Brian
Long series chronicling career of British Napoleonic naval officer Jack Aubrey. The recent movie Master and Commander combined the stories of 2 of these novels. Author known for habit of explaining naval technology in detail.
by Patrick O'Brian
Long series chronicling career of British Napoleonic naval officer Jack Aubrey. The recent movie Master and Commander combined the stories of 2 of these novels. Author known for habit of explaining naval technology in detail.
A Close Run Thing
by Allan Mallinson
Series chronicling career of British cavalry officer. First book starts with the battle of Waterloo and series continues to various conflicts across the British Empire.
by Allan Mallinson
Series chronicling career of British cavalry officer. First book starts with the battle of Waterloo and series continues to various conflicts across the British Empire.
Historical Fiction
World War I
Her Privates We
by Frederic Manning
Considered the All Quiet on the Western Front but from the British perspective. In my opinion the better book of the two.
by Frederic Manning
Considered the All Quiet on the Western Front but from the British perspective. In my opinion the better book of the two.
Goshawk Squadron
by Derek Robinson
Story of WWI British Pilots.
by Derek Robinson
Story of WWI British Pilots.
A Sailor of Austria
by John Biggins
Fictional memoir of WWI Austrian submarine captain. Very light-hearted with little focus on combat. Paints enjoyable picture of Austrian society of the time.
by John Biggins
Fictional memoir of WWI Austrian submarine captain. Very light-hearted with little focus on combat. Paints enjoyable picture of Austrian society of the time.
Historical Fiction
World War II
Piece of Cake
by Derek Robinson
Follows a squadron of British pilots in WWII from the invasion of France through Battle of Britain. I also recommend the BBC series made from this book.
by Derek Robinson
Follows a squadron of British pilots in WWII from the invasion of France through Battle of Britain. I also recommend the BBC series made from this book.
Forgotten Soldier
by Guy Sajer
Haunting memoir; worms eye view of common German soldier in WWII.
by Guy Sajer
Haunting memoir; worms eye view of common German soldier in WWII.
Science Fiction
Non-Military Sci-Fi
Pushing Ice
by Alastair Reynolds
Great hard science fiction (story blended with realistic mathematics and physics) in the tradition of Isaac Asimov.
by Alastair Reynolds
Great hard science fiction (story blended with realistic mathematics and physics) in the tradition of Isaac Asimov.
by Robert Charles Wilson
Near-future alternate history (alternate future, I guess) sci-fi. Excellent author for extrapolating how a single change ripples through society and relationships.
by Robert Charles Wilson
Near-future alternate history (alternate future, I guess) sci-fi. Excellent author for extrapolating how a single change ripples through society and relationships.
The Risen Empire
by Scott Westerfeld
Similar to the original Dune book in feel. Some space combat, but not full-blown space opera.
by Scott Westerfeld
Similar to the original Dune book in feel. Some space combat, but not full-blown space opera.
Science Fiction
Space Opera
by Jack Campbell
First book of 6 to date. Excellent traditional space opera (large fleet starship battles).
by Jack Campbell
First book of 6 to date. Excellent traditional space opera (large fleet starship battles).
The Battle at the Moons of Hell
by Graham Sharp Paul
First book in debut series.
by Graham Sharp Paul
First book in debut series.
Science Fiction
Space Marine
The Clone Republic
by Steven L. Kent
Debut series and first of 4 books to date. Excellent traditional space marine combat (ground warfare on exotic planets).
by Steven L. Kent
Debut series and first of 4 books to date. Excellent traditional space marine combat (ground warfare on exotic planets).
Old Man's War
by John Scalzi
Another excellent debut series, first in 3 to date.
by John Scalzi
Another excellent debut series, first in 3 to date.
Contemporary Setting
Storm Front
by Jim Butcher
Phenomenal debut series. Cannot recommend highly enough.
by Jim Butcher
Phenomenal debut series. Cannot recommend highly enough.
The Devil You Know
by Mike Carey
Excellent series in vein of Jim Butcher's Dresden above.
by Mike Carey
Excellent series in vein of Jim Butcher's Dresden above.
Furies of Calderon
by Jim Butcher
First book of 5 to date in second series by Jim Butcher.
by Jim Butcher
First book of 5 to date in second series by Jim Butcher.
The Name of the Wind
by Patrick Rothfuss
Excellent debut novel.
by Patrick Rothfuss
Excellent debut novel.
Feast of Souls
by C. S. Friedman
First book in new series from great author.
by C. S. Friedman
First book in new series from great author.